Archive 2008 - 2019

Mandatory Water Ban Reminder

by Jackie Napolitano

This is a reminder from the Holliston Water Department that under the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection’s Water Management Act Permit to the Town of Holliston, the Water Department is mandated to impose a Water Ban every year on nonessential outdoor water use.  The Water Ban began May 1 and wil continue until September 30.


NONESSENTIAL OUTDOOR WATER USES INCLUDE irrigation of lawns, washing of vehicles, washing of exterior building surfaces, washing down driveways and walkways. 


Properties with EVEN STREET NUMBERS may water lawns on TUESDAY and THURSDAY outside the restricted hours of 9AM – 5PM. 


Properties with ODD STREET NUMBERS may water lawns on WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY outside the restricted hours of 9AM – 5PM. 






It should be noted that under typical weather conditions, lawn watering normally requires only 1 inch of water per week to remain healthy.


You can direct questions about the mandatory water ban to the Holliston Water Department at 429-0603 or 893-6384. Thank you for your cooperation.

Comments (2)

The emergency total ban is in effect for at least another week

paul | 2013-07-11 10:24:44

This article with the regular water ban hours was posted on the same day as another article indicating an emergency total outdoor watering ban. Not sure which is more current - this one indicating we're back to the normal ban?

Mark | 2013-07-11 09:41:47