Archive 2008 - 2019

Students Continue to Beautify Schools

by Pat Montain

This beautiful work has been accomplished by several Miller elementary students.  Through  generous annual grants from the Holliston Garden Club since 2008, Miller students have been able to maintain the flower boxes in front of the schools. 

These grants have provided the elementary school gardening program opportunities to plant bulbs in the fall and to plant in the containers throughout the year. The grant has also allowed the gardening program to replace the worn out flower boxes with new flower boxes as well as the purchase of a lovely large vase.

This approaching fall, the Holliston Garden Club grant will allow the program to further expand to provide gardening opportunities for some of our Holliston preschoolers.
Our most recent planting was designed with the help of the staff at Medway Garden Center.  The flowers include geraniums, light green and purple ipomoea potato plants , lantana and New Guinea impatiens.  Students are responsible for watering the plants by hand and maintaining blooms throughout the year.

Come by the schools and see for yourself the great gardening activities our students are doing.