Archive 2008 - 2019

School Committee Meeting Agenda

by Kathleen Caswell

School Committee Meeting      Time:  7:00 p.m.
High School Library       Date:   September 17, 2009


I. Call to Order 
II. Minutes from the following School Committee Meeting: 
• September 3, 2009, Regular Session
• September 3, 2009, Executive Session
III. Communications:
A: Oral
1. School Committee Individual Comment
2. Central Office Administrator’s Comment
3. Opportunity for Public to Address School Committee
IV. Presentations:
A.  State of our Technology

V. Policy: 

VI. Personnel:
VII. Old Business: 
A.   Flagg School Agreement
VIII. New Business:
A.   MASS/MASC Joint Conference
IX.     Warrants:
 A.  Bill:
 B.  Cafeteria
X. Items of Information:

XI. Next Meeting Date
      October 1, 2009

XII. Adjournment of Open Session

XIII. Executive Session