Archive 2008 - 2019

Trash and Recycling Daily Tips

by Press Release

The Town of Holliston recently changed to E.L. Harvey for residential trash and recycling pick-up service.  After the first month, the system seems to be working as planned (of course having a holiday in the first week of service gave the system a good test!).

Monday, July 15th:  Thank you for your part in helping with the trash program roll out.  For more information including program details, frequently asked questions, and street schedule, visit

Tuesday, July 16th:  Space is key when it comes to automation and efficiency.  Remember to keep at least 3 feet between the carts and any other structures. This allows the automated arm ample room to grab the cart.  For more information about the new program, visit 

Wednesday, July 17th:  Be WICKED SMART about recycling with RecycleSMART (@Recycle-Smart-MA).  MassDEP and recycling centers have worked together to simplify what can and can’t go in the bin.  Questions? Check out the searchable online Recylcopedia for quick answers.  You can find this and other great tips at:


Thursday, July 18th:  The front of the carts should face the street to allow the automated arm to dump the cart correctly.   The carts have wheels in the BACK and the lid opens in the FRONT.  As a reminder, the lids have arrows that should face the street.  For more information, including program details, frequently asked questions, and street schedule, visit


Tuesday, July 23rd:  They say “teamwork makes the dream work.”  Thank you for your part in rolling out the automated recycle and trash program. For more information, including program details, frequently asked questions, and street schedules, visit 

Wednesday, July 24th:  After this past weekend, shaved ice and snow cones are a nice treat; but not so much for the automated pickup.  Lids should be shut or mostly shut. For more information on the program, visit 

Thursday, July 25th:  Large cardboard should be broken down and placed inside the cart with the lid closed.  Alternatively, cardboard can be taken to the Marshal Street drop-off area which is currently open every Saturday from 8 am to 3 pm.  In addition, to cardboard, they accept leaf and yard waste, metals, and fluorescent light bulbs.  For more information, check out the Holliston recycling and solid waste site at

 What a great view along our streets on trash day!  Thank you Jeff Ritter, the Sustainable Waste committee, E.L. Harvey, and most importantly the citizens for making this transition as pain-free as possible.