Archive 2008 - 2019

A Dog's Best Friend

by From the Publisher's Desk

My Chocolate Lab is nine months old. One morning last week while my wife was showering he stole her flip flop and chewed it up into about a thousand pieces!  I didn't notice until I saw him with her black shoes.

I quickly grabbed them away and wiped off his drool, and put the cushions back inside the shoes. Then I put them back under the bed. I could still hear the shower going, so I quickly ran into the living room getting down on all fours to start picking up all the pieces of flip flop. My Lab thought I was getting down to play.

After swatting him away I finished picking up all the pieces, throwing it all away in the trash can hiding the evidence. My wife will be looking for those flip flops in a couple of months, but I can buy her a new pair for a present between now and then, and just maybe she'll forget about the old ones. Now if that's not a man loving his best friend, covering his trail I don't know what is !! 

Can you imagine if someone had video-taped me while in the act. My Lab and I would both be in the Dog house !

Signed, Anonymous

Comments (3)

Dear Anonymous, Where did you say you were bringing me out to dinner tonight? Anonymous wife in need of footwear xoxoxo

Anonymous Wife | 2015-05-01 15:40:08

Dad...generally people who sign "anonymous" don't text the link to their daughter! I won't tell, just remember who has a birthday next week. Love-your anonymous daughter <3

Anonymous' daughter | 2015-04-30 12:19:36

And he would have gotten away with it, too... if you hadn't blabbed about it on Holliston Reporter :-) Now, you're *both* in the doghouse...

Peter | 2015-04-30 04:10:47