Archive 2008 - 2019

Robert McGrath

Total: 8

Therese S Caccavale Scholarship Award

by Robert McGrath 3/16/2017

The Friends and family of Therese S. Caccavale are establishing an annual Scholarship in her memory. Therese was a dynamic teacher in the Holliston Public Schools for the past 38 years.


The Holliston Foundation Announces Four New Scholarship Awards

by Robert McGrath 3/17/2015


Holliston Antique Show February 21st and 22nd.

by Robert McGrath 2/15/2015

The popular Antique Show sponsored by the Holliston Scholarhsip Foundation will be on Saturday and Sunday, February 21st and 22nd.  Mark your calendars.


Scholarship Awards Announced

by Robert McGrath 6/7/2014

The Holliston Scholarship Foundation announces that Samuel Scott and Emily Kodkiko win the awards this year.


Holliston Scholarship Foundation Announces Awards

by Robert McGrath 6/7/2013



Citizens Scholarship Foundation

by Robert McGrath 4/2/2013

For fifty years the Citizen Scholarship Foundation, has been raising funds to assist Holliston students in attending college.  The Citizens Scholarship Board , l-r Steve Amrock, Peter Cunis, President Bob McGrath and Bill Phipps have reorganized the foundation.



The Citizen Scholarship Foundation

by Robert McGrath 5/31/2012

2012 Senior Awards The Citizen Scholarship Foundation of Holliston is a non-profit organization that has given hundreds of scholarships to Holliston college students since 1964. This year the citizens of Holliston through the Scholarship Foundation gave $55,000 of Scholarship Awards to Holliston High School Seniors.



Antique Show

by Robert McGrath 2/16/2011

Annual Antique Show
