Archive 2008 - 2019

Creating a DPW on the Back of the Water Department

by Liz Theiler

It is interesting to note that there are no decreases in the Highway Department’s Budget. But rather increases in the salaries of the Superintendent, the Foreman and Clerical, as well as labor. There is no mention of a DPW Director or the cost thereof in the Highway Budget. Contrast this with the Water Department budget there is a decrease of $101,096 in the personnel budget. Add to this the allocation of $55,000 from the Enterprise Fund for a DPW Director.

What is the source of money the Town Administrator and Selectmen took from the Water Department – staff! There are four operators to perform the work of eight staff! The Selectmen have eliminated the Operations Manager, failed to fill the Chief Operator position, eliminated one operator position and failed to fill another operator position. They also reduced the Superintendent’s salary by over $7,000 while the Superintendent was also doing the work of the Chief Operator, Operations Manager.  The Town Administrator has said that the DPW’s budget will be the combination of the Water Department and Highway Department’s budget, but it appears it is only at a severe cost to the Water Department and there is no deduction from the Highway budget.

The main reason the results of the committee studying the possibility of a DPW was never brought to Town Meeting was because they came to the conclusion that it would be more expensive than the two separate departments. Do we really need another top level manager? But the Town Administrator and Selectmen did an end run to gain control of the Water Department and put a warrant on the fall 2013 Town Meeting. Did the residents know at what cost to the Water Department? An MMA study of the Water Department stressed the need for eight staff to maintain our water system even if the Town established a public works organizational structure. 

We have a complex, fragile, water system of five wells and two treatment plants. Do you remember contamination problems in the past, yet the Selectmen for their control choose to ignore the findings of the MMA study.   According to the Town Administrator Holliston will have a DPW director with a salary of about $100,000 while we resident will have about one million gallons a day pumped and delivered to our homes by four operators, half the number of staff recommended by a study paid for by you? This provides little comfort about the quality of our water but great control to the Town Administrator and Selectmen, none of whom to my knowledge have education or expertise in water quality, of the Water Department money and staff. They will answer to no one, the DPW director will report to them.

Comments (7)

Those who stay away from Town Meeting and other governing boards do so at their own great peril. I have made several attempts to alert townspeople about the mistakes, bad decisions and costly errors being made at Town Hall. Yet still, only about 110 residents showed up for Town Meeting and most of the big spending passed unanimously. In the words of James Taylor's lyrics " when are people going to realize that things ain't never gonna change until somebody finally decides to stand up and fight?" It's time.

Bill Dowd | 2014-07-07 13:05:05

Unfortunately, this is what we get when far too few taxpayers bother to attend Town Meeting. One must also prepare for town meeting by reading and talking to other residents to know what is on the agenda Hate to be a nay-sayer, but this DPW is highly likely to be a huge and very costly mistake for our town.

Another resident | 2014-07-07 06:57:17

To the last point of this article...what credentials do these decision makers have as it relates to the oversight of Holliston's water supply? And what credentials are they looking for in the person who will fill the top DPW position? Clearly a fair question to ask and one that should be publicly answered.

A Plankey | 2014-07-06 13:43:36

Very good article. The Water department was the only department in Town that actually had a positive cash flow. Who is really minding our water? Thank you, resident

Mike Schwab | 2014-07-05 09:54:00

Liz, you did a excellent job on this article. After spending 21 years working in this Department I strongly feel this is a mistake the Selectman and Town Administrator are not capable to handle this. The Selectmen for many years have been trying to make a DPW if that's the case then the Water Surplus will be gone and no money left for repairs. This is a critical issue. Now I can see why the Superintendent left.

Carole Fleming Moloney | 2014-07-04 14:23:46

Salary is just the start - assuming that the new DPW Director will also expect health insurance, a town car, an office (someplace?) and clerical support (another $40,000?). Although our former Water Superintendent did not require many of those things presumably the new one also will!? As for the the legendary backhoe issue, anyone who thinks their is any real savings in that is dreaming. We have now voted the DPW in and the State has approved it. We are now committed. It will be several years before we will know if this was a timely idea or just another foolish municipal expense. By then those who pushed for this idea will be long gone but regardless the citizens of Holliston will have to pay for it. Cheers for government by informed Town Meeting!

Resident | 2014-07-04 13:34:25

you hit the nail on the head Liz. I hope the selectmen and town administrator take note. The water issue is critical and now with hardworking dedicated Doug V no longer running the water department, we are in serious trouble. Doug was not given the respect he was due by town officials.

Resident | 2014-07-04 08:58:26