Archive 2008 - 2019

Senior Center Thanks its Volunteers

by Ann Talbot


Each year the permanent staff of the Senior Center hosts an after-Christmas party for the people who keep the programs running every year. Invited are the receptionists, food servers, drivers, instructors, event planners and those who just do anything that needs doing. At least fifty active seniors took part in a roast beef/baked potato feast including salad and homemade green bean casserole. 
Each person on the guest list brought either an appetizer or dessert and each brought a $10 grab present for a festive exchange. No entertainers were needed as the conversation and laughter of Holliston’s older population were enough. I personally sat at a table with seven ladies and gentlemen that I had never met before and there was never a stony silence. Three of these were brand-new to Holliston and have jumped right into senior activities.
As I looked around, seeing people I have known for years as well as those who are new, I realized why Holliston has such a lively center. Volunteerism is the word. I saw people who keep the areas of physical fitness, the arts and technology programs running. I saw people who keep things together by answering the phone and registering Holliston’s seniors for activities and events. I saw members of the Council on Aging who make sure that the events have balance.  And I saw the permanent staff who, today, were the kitchen crew.  We could not begin to pay them all.
Perhaps you will see friends and neighbors in these photos. Perhaps you will see the congeniality that exists at the Center. Perhaps you will be inspired to come to the Center when you have some down time. For specific details, check out the new website.