Archive 2008 - 2019

Representative Dykema Hosts Senior Picnic

by Chris Cain

On Wednesday August 21st, our State Representative hosted her annual picnic for Seniors in her district: Holliston, Hopkinton, Southboro, and Westboro.  The picnic was held in the very larger community room of the Faith Community Church in Hopkinton.

Representative Dykema is seen here chatting with guests in the lobby.  She was speaking with Connor Degan, Hopkinton Town Clerk, and Warren Johnson of Hopkinton.  We in Holliston know Warren as the accordian player for the Tune Timers orchestra!

Grilled Hot Dogs and Hamburgers always draws a big crowd.  TJ's Restaurant did the catering.

HPD's Chief Stone, along with Select Board Chair, Mark Ahronian, and Town Administrator Jeff Ritter led the contingent of guests from Holliston.  Rep Dykema called for a show of hands to see who was from what town in her district.  Holliston had over 80 participants!  Seen below was one table of Hollistonians: The McGaffigans, The McWilliams, The Keeleys, and The Eagans.

If the good food (and cake) wasn't enough to draw a crowd, these raffle prizes of chocolates and gift cards made at least four guests' day.

The host spoke briefly highlighting some of the things that she is working on at the State House.  When this picture was taken, I didn't realize that Rep Dykema was standing right behind her mother (red top and glasses near Carolyn's right elbow).  At the end of her talk, Carolyn introduced her mother and thanked her for being such a great role model.

Thank you Representative Dykema for so ably representing Holliston (and those other towns, too) and hosting this great summer get together.

Comments (1)

It was a good time.

JEAN MORRISSEY | 2019-08-22 12:59:23