Archive 2008 - 2019

K of C 11th Annual Free Throw Tournament This Saturday

by Don Marden

The Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship is sponsored annually with winners progressing through local, district, regional and state competitions. All contestants will be awarded cerififcates of participation. Winners in each age level will receive a champion certificate and trophy. Winners will be eligable to advance to the district championship on Saturday morning, February 9, 2019 in Holliston. Exact time and venue of the district free throw championship has not been finalized but will be announced at the local contest on January 26.

A signed parent/guardian consent on the entry form is necessary to participate in the free throw championship. Winners of each age group will be required to furnish proof of age as they advance to higher levels of competion. Entry forms will be available at the contest site on January 26th for walk in registration. There is NO CHARGE to take part in the competition.