Archive 2008 - 2019


by Donna Muzzy

SATURDAY, July 9, 2016,  from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 Noon. Adams Middle School,   Woodland Street.

Acceptable/Unacceptable Materials

Clean Harbors will accept for transportation and disposal the majority of hazardous waste typically produced by households.  It is stressed for the safety of everyone involved that all materials are known and properly labeled.  Wastes that are not in their original containers will be accepted as "known" wastes provided they are labeled.  Unknown wastes, if acceptable, will be field tested and packaged for incineration.  Below is a listing of typical household hazardous wastes collected:


Aerosol Cans                           Engine degreaser                                 Oil filters

Ammonia                                Epoxy resin                                         Oven cleaners

Antifreeze                               Fiberglass                                            Paint thinner

Arts and crafts supplies          Floor cleaners                                      Pesticides

Batteries                                  Furnace Cement                                  Photo chemicals

Bleach                                     Furniture Polish                                   Pool chemicals

Brake fluid                              Gasoline/Kerosene                              Radiator cleaners

Car wax                                   Herbicides                                           Resins

Carburetor cleaner                   Insect Sprays                                       Rodent killers

Caulking                                  Lighter fluid                                        Roof Cement

Cesspool cleaners                    Mercury products                                Rust preventatives

Chemistry sets                         Metal polish                                        Sealants

Creosote                                  Moth balls                                           Solvents

Drain cleaners                         Motor oil                                             Spot removers

Driveway Sealant                    Muriatic acid                                       Transmission fluid

Dry cleaning fluids                 No-pest strips                                      Weed Killers

Engine and radiator flushes    Oil based paint                                    Wood preservatives

                                                                                                            Wood Stripper                                                                                                                                                              

Clean Harbors reserves the right to refuse any waste deemed unsafe to handle or unsuitable for the collection.  Such wastes include:

  • Large quantities of unknown materials
  • Radioactive waste, including smoke detectors
  • Explosives, gun powder, flares, ammunition
  • Unstable wastes
  • Pressurized fire extinguishers
  • Unknown gas cylinders
  • Substances regulated by the Drug Enforcement Agency

·    No Medical waste

If the above listed unacceptable wastes are unintentionally received, Clean Harbors will work with the Town to provide safe disposal of the materials.

NO Latex Paint - Latex is non hazardous and can be disposed in regular trash once it is completely dried out.