Archive 2008 - 2019

The Marathon Fitness Challenge Proposed to Miller Students

by Pat Montain

The Marathon Fitness Challenge (MFC) was recently presented to the Miller students. The MFC is a health and fitness program that will provide a great opportunity for the students to challenge themselves, their classmates, and their families. The goal of this program is for students to run or walk an ultimate distance of a marathon: 26.2 miles in 21 weeks! Students who reach a distance of a half marathon, 13.1 miles, will also be recognized.

                                      Marathon Fitness Challenge medal

From December to April, students will run a half mile in their Physical Education class once a week. From March 30th to May 29th, students will be encouraged to run or walk additional miles at home with friends and family. Students can log no more than two miles a day and no more than 10 miles per week. These logged miles will be calculated into an average number of miles per student for each classroom. Classrooms will compete with the other classrooms at their grade level to run/walk the greatest average miles per student.

The display case in the Miller front foyer contains the Golden Sneaker awards for grades 3, 4, & 5, as well as the MFC tee shirt, golden shoelaces, and medals.

Students and classrooms will be recognized after May 29th for their accomplishments at a school-wide Marathon Fitness Challenge Assembly. Students who complete an accumulated distance of 26.2 miles will receive a MFC tee shirt, certificate of accomplishment, and medal. Students who complete an accumulated distance of 13.1 miles will receive a MFC tee shirt. Golden shoe laces will be awarded to students in one classroom per grade who accumulate the most “miles/student.” These classrooms will also be presented with the “Golden Sneaker” award for their grade.

Pat Montain and Wendy Krauss review the specifics of the MFC to Miller students.

The MFC has completed its seventh successful year at Hopkinton’s Elmwood Elementary School. The designer of Elmwood’s MFC program has generously volunteered her time and talent to start the MFC program at Miller.

The MFC is free for all Miller students. The HEPTSA has provided a grant to cover the expenses of the incentive awards. Adam Steiner, Miller School’s Technology Integration Specialist, is designing the online form for the students to log their “at home” miles.

Miller students, their families, and their friends are encouraged to lace up their sneakers and take advantage of this opportunity to improve their fitness one day at a time!

                Miller students practicing warm up exercises for running